I have had a PV system for almost 4 years. This includes an energy meter which I would like to install in my existing home automation system. To get the data from the energy meter, I looked at the technical specifications on the manufacturer's website and discovered that the energy meter sends data via multicast. To get this data into a usable format, I wrote the following code snippet in Nodered:

// Script von Raffael Willems
// Aktueller Verbrauch
var eMeter = msg.payload;
var AktVerbrauch = {};
msg = {};
var deco = eMeter.toString('hex');
if (AktVerbrauch <40000)
msg.payload = AktVerbrauch;
// Gesamtverbrauch
var GesVerbrauch = {};
msg2 = {};
if (GesVerbrauch < 40000)
msg2.payload = parseFloat((GesVerbrauch).toFixed(0));
// Aktuelle Einspeisung
var AktEin = {};
msg3 = {};
if (AktEin <40000)
msg3.payload = parseFloat((AktEin).toFixed(2)); // + 'W';
// Gesamt Einspeisung
var GesEin = {};
msg4 = {};
msg4.payload = parseFloat((GesEin).toFixed(0));
return [msg,msg2,msg3,msg4]

The complete Flow for Nodered is also available: flows.json [mermaid] flowchart LR A[fa:fa-tower-cell multicast\n239.12.255.254:9952]--> B(fa:fa-florin-sign meter auslesen) B --> C[aktuellerBezugEV] B --> D[GesamtVerbrauch] B --> E[aktuelleEinspeisung] B --> F[Gesamteinspeisung] style A fill:#999999 style B fill:#FFCC66 style C fill:#6699FF style D fill:#6699FF style E fill:#6699FF style F fill:#6699FF [/mermaid]

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