In my daily work, I often have to connect to different servers. However, these can only be administrated from certain IP addresses. That's why I've built a little helper plugin for the waybar. With this plugin it is possible to start/stop the existing systemd unit.
you know that i like opensource? that's why i have published my work to the following gist. Have a look and use it because it's free:
[mermaid] flowchart TD A[Waybar Button] <-->B{vpnupdown} B -->|up| C[systemctl start openvpn-client@...] B -->|down| D[systemctl stop openvpn-client@...] B <--> |status| E[systemctl is-active openvpn-client@...] [/mermaid]
This Scripts and Config Snippets are for a little Symbol in the Waybar. If you Click on the Tunnelsymbol the OpenVPN-Client establish a Connection to the given Config (Systemd Openvpn-Client). If you do not Need the Tunnel then you can Click again on the Symbol and the VPN-Tunnel gets closed. The following moving Parts are needed:
put the following lines in your waybar config:
"custom/vpn": {
"format": "{}",
"exec": "bash /home/bigfreak/.config/sway/tools/vpnupdown status",
// "exec-if": "test -d /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0",
"tooltip": "true",
"return-type": "json",
"interval": 1,
"on-click": "bash /home/bigfreak/.config/sway/tools/vpnupdown toggle"
# ******************************************************** #
# #
# #
# vpnupdown #
# #
# By: Raffael Willems <> #
# #
# Created: 2023/12/06 13:46:41 by Raffael Willems #
# Updated: 2023/12/06 21:48:41 by Raffael Willems #
# #
# ******************************************************** #
STATUS="$(systemctl is-active openvpn-client@imc.service)"
if [ "${STATUS}" = "inactive" ]; then
if [ $1 = 'toggle' ]; then
systemctl start openvpn-client@imc.service
text="{\"text\":\" \",\"class\":\"enabled\"}"
text="{\"text\":\"\",\"tooltip\":\"imc closed\"}"
if [ $1 = 'toggle' ]; then
systemctl stop openvpn-client@imc.service
text="{\"text\":\"\",\"tooltip\":\"imc closed\"}"
ADDR="$(ip -br addr show dev tun0 | awk '{ print $3 }')"
text="{\"text\":\" \",\"class\":\"enabled\",\"tooltip\":\"$ADDR\"}"
echo $text
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ( == "org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units" &&
action.lookup("unit") == "openvpn-client@imc.service" &&
subject.user == "bigfreak") {
return polkit.Result.YES;